





Your Future Is Loud & Clear

I am such a people person... I worked in retail for five years before teaching for eight. I am a talker... I can't stop singing. People would walk by my classroom before school would start and hear me praising God in song. I guess I didn't know that people could hear me... until that parent or teacher would comment on it later... ;)

When Ethan was born, it was a huge change for me. I was home alone, 45 minutes from town. Ethan had a difficult time nursing, I got very sick, and post-pardom depression was worse from the medication the lactation consultant gave me. I lost 35 pounds in a few weeks... I couldn't eat or get out of bed. My husband left work for a few days to help take care of me and Ethan because I couldn't.

I remember my best friend, Joanne, calling me and when I told her that I couldn't eat she put her two children in her car and drove half an hour to my house. She fed me ice cream and cheese. I love that beautiful woman! Becca also came over, she washed my dishes and cleaned my house while I slept. My brother-in-law, Josh, made this delicious chicken salad that is still my favorite today.

It is good to remember these things... it is good to remind yourself of what God has delivered you from. Being home has become the most rewarding thing I have ever done.

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Who else would of been able to experience these things today...

1. You read the words "Key Bank" as we drove by the sign today. We don't even use that bank.

2. You wanted to play "Find the Numbers" at Wal-mart today.

3. You met a deaf woman today with a guide dog. She signed to us that we could touch Cinna-Bear and you laughed when the dog kissed you. We signed thank you together.

4. You wanted to dance with the other children in Story Time at the library.

5. You shared your sand toys with another little boy in the Discovery Room.

6. You surprised the volunteers when you found two number ones and put them together and yelled "11" and clapped for yourself.

7. You were a good sport when we drove to the park to play at the water fountain and it was closed because they were setting up a weekend event.

8. You sat well behaved for the entire drive into town singing "This is the Day" and "Jesus Loves Me" at the top of your lungs.

9. You drank and enjoyed your milk shake on the drive home.

10. You gave me kisses... and said, "Love you Mama."