





Guest Designer: Joanne Mueller

I have the pleasure of introducing to you freelance writer Joanne Mueller. Not only is she an extremely talented writer, mother, homeschool teacher, and devoted wife... she is my best friend. She is the one I can call to laugh, cry, vent, pray, and rejoice with. God placed a call on her life to write her life story.


How long have you been a writer? What made you become a writer?

I started writing professionally in 2004 but first began to write in high school. There were a lot of major life events that I needed to process at that time and so I wrote poetry. This helped me to work through my emotions and was truly therapeutic. I enjoyed it so much that I then majored in English in college.

What inspires you in your everyday life?

God. Each and every thing that I do centers around serving and pleasing Him. This motivates me to stay home and take care of my children daily, and it certainly motivates me to write. In my writing, I desire to cause my reader to think more deeply and to know God on a more intimate level. I want my reader to reflect because in our busyness (me included) we often don't reflect.

Most of our readers are papercrafters and wish that journaling could be easier. Can you give them advice? What can they do to document that memorable moment?

The most practical advice that I can give is to keep little journals or pads of paper everywhere. Keep one in your purse, by your bed, and have a main journal for you to keep your thoughts in. I have several. I have a main journal that I write what I am learning in. I have one for each of my kids that I write things down in that they do or I write letters for them to read when they grow up. I have one in my purse for when we are out and about. And the most helpful one is by my bed. Often I get ideas before I fall asleep. That is when everything is quiet and my mind has a chance to think.

You can read more about Joanne on her blog, Declare That Which Is Profitable. If you like what you read today, leave her a comment and tell her how you were blessed! You can also follow her on Facebook, here.

Create Well: Keep little journals or pads of paper everywhere. Keep one in your purse, by your bed, and have a main journal for you to keep your thoughts in.