






Greyson Chance, Hambly Screen Prints,
Dream, originally uploaded by createoften.

We all have dreams... I think our dreams change as we get older. But, when we are young they usually have something to do with fame and fortune. For me, I always wanted to be a teacher. A teacher and a singing *star*. LOL!

For those clued into the real world for the last week would have heard about brilliant twelve year old You Tube sensation Greyson Chance. He posted his video of his act from his sixth grade talent show on You Tube and now within a week has been on Ellen and now has a record deal!

I remember talent shows in elementary school and there wasn't a kid who preformed like that! I clearly remember because Becca and I were in several talent shows. These are five things I do remember about talent shows.

1. Sitting around waiting for a poor little girl forgetting her words to her poem, getting stage fright, and an adult taking way to long to remove her from the stage guaranteeing therapy for the child when she gets older.

2. An extremely long piano solo went even longer when the pianist paused and everyone clapped thinking he was done. He flashed everyone a dirty look and started all over.

3. Songs from Tiffany or Dirty Dancing were always performed by inexperienced dancers or air instruments.

4. Military talent shows were usually lip syncs and they even held state championships. Did you know that you can win several trophies and ribbons for these performances?

5. Listening to the girls in the bathroom talk about the boy in the act that was preformed before the break. They raved that he did such a good job and was sure he was going to win "Best of Show." The poor "boy" was my twin sister, Becca, who was standing next to me giving me a dirty glare.

You see, I was in a family of all girls and when I wanted to perform, dance, or play make-believe I was very forceful that Becca be the "boy" and me the "girl". Needless to say she complained to never do it again after hearing the girls talk about her in the bathroom. LOL! Man, what stage lights and a ball cap can hide. ;)

So, have my dreams changed a little since then? Sure. I want to be a good wife, mom, friend, and Christian. Not so much a star. Besides, I already won "Best of Show" in the sixth grade so what more could I want. LOL!

Create Well: Scrapbook a page about your dreams then or now.