





Pencil Lines & Giveaway!

Today's sketch from Pencil Lines was so freeing! It is a great feeling to be able to rely on a sketch to let you be creative! Here are some close up pictures of the detail...

Today I am also doing a giveaway to say, "Yippee to over 250 posts!" I am so grateful for all the support and online-love that I have received since beginning this blog over a year and a half! I never knew how many amazing artists, designers, and photographers I would get to "meet". It has been so rewarding in so many ways! I wanted to say thank you! To show you some love,  CSN Online Stores is generously giving away a $60 gift certificate to spend at any one of their stores! There is so much eye candy over there it would be so hard to pick something! ;)

Along with art, shoes, handbags, lighting, there is also some brilliant modern items for the home! Here's some of my favorite items...

To find the items photographed above search wall stickers and under shoes, women's flats. 

To enter for your chance to win a $60 gift certificate, tell me in the comments section below what your favorite CSN Stores product is. You'll have to take a peek of their product in order to answer the question, so dash over there now and come back with your answer before Saturday, June 26th at 8:00pm (PST). Increase your chances of winning by posting about this giveaway via twitter, facebook or your blog, or by following this blog. Be sure to come back here and post a link in the comments section! {sorry, this giveaway is for US or Canadian residents because of shipping costs. But know that I love you just the same!}

Create Well: Tell someone you love them this week!