





Craft Warehouse - Four Things That Make You Happy

My sister took these photos and I had them cut to the size I wanted. I thought it would be a good idea to ask these four family members what made them "happy." Of course I got emails back from them asking, "Only one thing?" It was nice not to have to think about the journaling on this layout. It is good to let someone else tell their story for once. ;)

My sister, Becca, said, "Adventures." She wrote up this long and sweet description of why the "adventures" in life make her happy... but, honestly, I only had room for "adventures". Ha! So, when I re-do this layout I will put her email on the back of the layout to document it for myself.

I said, "Family." My little man said, "Playing with you." Awww! Super sweet!

My dear like-a-sister friend, Sarah, said, "Only one? Family. Chocolate. A good book, in that order." Ha! Make me laugh! So, after all, I couldn't get just one thing. Isn't that a good thing? We should think about what makes us happy more often. We will realize that we can't just narrow it down to just one. That's the way it should be...

Create Well: "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." Philippians 4:8