





Pink Paislee - Instagram Mini Book and Giveaway

There is something special about being able to capture the everyday moment in an instant. For me, it means everything. Our family camera is ten pounds and not really easy to just whip out of my purse in a moment. Usually, if I have to reach for my camera, the moment is gone. For those that have an active boy, you know what I mean.

Instagram has changed the way I look at capturing my everyday. I can take that quick photo on my phone of my husband cooking in the kitchen or of my son reading a book at the doctor's office and it's ok. I find myself taking photos everywhere and all the time!

I created this Summer Instagram Mini Book to give me a place to keep all my random photos of the last three months.

You can find the rest of the pages and details on the Pink Paislee blog today along with a Portfolio Collection giveaway!

Create Well: Remember to photograph those everyday moments. Those are the ones that we wish we captured.