Maybe you have noticed that I don't have any holiday pictures posted. Well, that would be because I left the camera at home! Can you believe it? The ironic thing is that I tried to use my sister's point and shoot on automatic! I have been trying to encourage my friends to use their cameras on manual and there I was trying to take photos on automatic! I must of looked a sight because I kept on trying to take the picture through the view finder wondering why I couldn't see anything!
I actually
managed to take this new favorite photo of my son. I love the texture and color that the grass gave the photograph. It is even more beautiful in black and white.

I loved the look of this photo so much that when Becca invited us over for dinner tonight I had to bring my camera this time to try it again! The lighting was perfect and I got a few of Becca that I have been trying to get for some time now.