





Heidi Swapp - Mini Memory File Album Garden Journal

What better way to make a gardener's Christmas than presenting them with their own Garden Journal? Well, I know my mother in law would probably prefer plants, sunshine, and time out in the dirt, but this is the next best thing when spending a winter indoors. She can plan to her heart's content in this little book.

This front cover was created using Heidi Swapp's 101 Ideas Project Sheet. All I needed was a good kick start and the project sheet did that for me. 

This journal needed to be filled with photos of the garden as my mother in law is not a crafter. As you can tell from the photos... she is a gardener. So, I took Jamie Pate's idea of adding velum into the large clear pages and decorated the front of them, knowing she would never get pictures printed for this book.

I actually used photos of my family out in her garden picking produce. One of the reasons why my in laws have a garden is to bless their family with the work of their labor. So to have photos of us enjoying our time on the property, I know would be special. 

There is plenty of room to write notes, especially when adding a FotoStack!

I know my mother in law will appreciate this photo of the Brussels Sprouts that never made it this year. It was their first year planting it and I know some notes will go down about what they could do better for the next crop.

Every garden journal needs a "drama" page. Seriously. 

I am really looking forward to seeing her face when she opens this gift. It is my favorite part of Christmas... seeing someone open a gift that you created unique just for them out of love.

Create Well: Use the Mini Memory File Album to create a one of a kind journal that includes plenty of photos and places to jot things down!