





Teach Well... Teach Often

Well, friends... summer is coming to a close. If I was teaching preschool I would be going back to school in a week! Can you believe it?

When God told me that He wanted me to stay home, I was totally fine with the decision. I packed all my school supplies knowing that I would one day use them with Ethan. Little did I know that my boxes would be used sooner than I thought! (To read more about Ethan's God given gifts, read this post)

In February of this year, I began teaching Ethan from my own lesson plans. I also began Teach Well, Teach Often to inspire other SAHMs. I was posting the activities we were doing on my personal blog and my out of state friends were so grateful to have a place where they could go to get ideas for their little ones. I thought that it would be good to share the blessings and ideas that God has given me these last nine years of teaching on its own blog.

The next few weeks at Teach Well, Teach Often are going to be filled posts answering those parent questions that I always get. Like, "Where do I start with my preschooler?" and "What am I suppose to be working on so that they are ready for Kindergarten?" Plus, there will be great giveaways! So hop on over and check it out!

Create Well: Be inspired to teach your child well and often this school year!