





December Daily - Day 1

December Daily started yesterday and I was so excited to start (as was my little man). I am creating a digital album that I will be able to upload to Shutterfly and order when I am finished. A part of me is sad that I can't get my hands dirty but I figured I can create a mini later if I want.

I realized that I sometimes have my expectations too high. Yesterday was a great day decorating and enjoying our day together, but today was a little rough around the edges. During our time homeschooling I was the only one singing, reading The Christmas Story, and talking about the true meaning of Christmas. There was just fits and crying... I think there could be days like that for all of us. I think we need to just capture the everyday, even if it isn't pretty all the time.

How would you recommend me documenting today? ;)

Create Well: Document your everyday. Even if it isn't up to your expectations.