





Reading at Four

As my son's birthday approaches, I have been looking at my albums more reflecting on the time we have had with him. I think every mother must do the same thing... ha! We get all teary eyed at seeing them grow up so fast! But as my son reminds us, "I have to grow up Mom! I have to be a MAN!" ;)

I noticed that I am forgetting milestones and I don't have enough documented on my pages to remember them. So, I am trying my best to record more. Here is a page I did using the pictures I took from my phone of my son reading.

The page started out recording his reading at four. But then, I thought why not document what he was doing at one, two, and three years of age? So, I added that information too. The point of scrapbooking is to document life today. I would hate for my little man to grow up with pages of photos but no stories to read...

Create Well: Document life today, so you don't forget tomorrow.