





Stories Gone Untold

I have to admit, I miss keeping my personal blog up to date. When I started blogging four years ago, I originally started to tell my family's story. Then, I started crafting again and it was important for me to keep my personal life and crafting separate. As my social media responsibilities grew, I had to put it aside to focus on this blog.

I still keep our most of our stories told by scrapbooking them but some of our everyday stories go untold. Some of these stories are just so funny that it brings me joy on the days when motherhood seems that it can't get any harder.

My little man has just started to draw freehand. These five year old drawings are so precious. Like the first one he drew today was of his Dad driving a car toward a mountain range with an erupting volcano. Where was I? Running screaming behind him.

Later today, I was brought a piece of paper with a purple colored pencil and asked to draw Jesus in heaven. I was a little intimidated and began to explain that no one really knows what the Son of God looks like, when he interrupted me and ran yelling to his room, "It's OK! I do! It's in my Bible at the very last page!" The whole time I was drawing I was apologizing to God for the terrible attempt. When I finished and I handed the paper to him, he looked at my scribbles, and in awe whispered gently, "It's beautiful."

Create Well: It's the little things that we miss the most when they are no longer.