





Heidi Swapp - #HSLoveYourSelfie Journey

Have you been following along with Heidi Swapp's Love Your Selfie Journey? It has been so rewarding to see all the selfies on Instagram! In fact, I don't think I have ever taken so many selfies in my entire life as I have this last week! Ha! My husband and I are now taking more of them together. I love that! One of us has to be behind the camera usually, so this concept of family selfies is going to revolutionize how we take photos.

Today, I am up on Heidi's blog to share my thoughts on the subject along with a mini book I created using Heidi Swapp's Dreamy Memory Files Kit.

I used the "Love Your Selfie" promo image as an embellishment in my album. I thought I would share with you the 4x6 print I created so that you can print it out too! I printed mine with my new Canon Selphy, but you can upload this image to your favorite local printer as well! Just drag and drop the following image to your desktop! (Do not right click.)

Create Well: Love your selfie enough to include YOU in your memory keeping!