Last night, Becca came over with her sister-in-law (and my friend), Sarah. Sarah is {not} a scrapbooker and can not even cut a straight line. No, really, she can't and admits it freely. She came for a good time of sweets and Little Dorrit. I had no idea what to work on and decided that I might as well work on my mother-in-law's Mother's Day present. Why not?
I got the inside done while Becca scrapped away. We worked for about three hours before Sarah was reminding Becca the time. Poor Becca, she only got about 2 two page spreads done. How did I do? I finished the inside of the project. I love how it turned out.

Before they left Sarah asked if I would like it if she watched Ethan so that Becca and I could go to Craft Warehouse's National Scrapbook Day celebration. Would I ever?! So, today we were able to go into Salem and to top it all off we both won door prizes! I was ever so happy since I didn't even think I would be in the art room at all this weekend. {Sigh!} It was heavenly to just play.
I don't think my mother-in-law reads this blog...