I am a paper crafter, a scrapbooker, a card maker, an altered artist, and most importantly when it comes to paper crafts, I am the story keeper. Scrapbooking was not something that I was interested in. Honestly, I never thought I would do anything like that. It seemed almost silly to me. One year for Christmas, we decided to make Prince Charming's grandmother a scrapbook and each family had to do two pages. I froze with pure panic. I had no idea what to do! I knew that I would only embarrass myself. At the time, we had a local scrapbook store that was run by two of the most generous Christian women. They would take time and explain to me how to make a layout. They explained what a brad was and what the difference between textured cardstock and regular cardstock was. I slowly began to get very excited and started to stop into the store every few days. I worked on the album and I gradually gained enough confidence to show Prince Charming, who was surprised that I could even do that with paper!
After the gift was given, I felt God really working on my heart. He was telling me to keep pursuing the craft of scrapbooking. I didn't understand it, but I knew that it was from Him and I said, "Yes, Lord!" For the next two years, I continued to feel the same feeling and I had shared with many friends what I felt God was doing in my life. Sometimes I received little snickers, or someone patting me on the back, kind of like, "Ok, we get ya!" But, I was confident in my hope in Him, not people.
Then, one day a friend approached me about beginning a Scrapbook Bible Study Ministry at our church. After 3 years of waiting patiently, I felt God was finally starting to show me His Will for me. But, that wasn't it. Eventually, I began to become Internet savvy and learned so much about scrapbooking and about how to make a ministry out of it. So, I set out on a mission. I began a blog, www.scrapbookbiblestudy.blogspot.com. I wasn't sure if anyone would come, but I knew God's hand was in it. I made a small post on a blank blog announcing that in a couple of short weeks, we would begin a Scrapbook Bible Study. By the time the first lesson was posted, we had over 50 followers! Scripture Scrappers is growing and I am so thankful that God brought the opportunity.
I have also been completely blessed to be the Design Team Coordinator at Shimmerz Paints, a Design Team Member at Triple The Sketch, a Creative Team Member at EAD Designs, and an author for Inspirational Craft Blogs. To God be the glory, because without Him, it's only paint and glue!
Right now, I am on a vintage kick, so I am finding lots of inspiration at thrift stores. Girls - Go!!! You don't know what you are missing! But, my family inspires me the most creativly. I am not just inspired by their smiles but I am inspired in those moments when I see a single tear rolling down a cheek. I am inspired by the hugs, the kisses, and the I love yous. I am inspired by a warm breeze blowing on a summer day or a single snowflake glistening on the frozen ground. It is amazing how anything can inspire you if you look for the beauty in it.

Create Well: Remember, no matter what people may say or do to you, you have a calling on your life! Keep running the race! Be confident in your hope in Him, not people.