





Moments I Treasure

Easter is really one of my favorite holidays and it's not because of the Cadbury products that fill the American candy department shelves. It's because Christ died and rose for little ol'me. Faults and all, he loved me enough to do that for me so that I can forever be with him.

This week I have been trying to teach Ethan about the Easter Story. Do you know that it is hard even with a three year old to understand the real meaning of Easter? Easter eggs have been confusing my little guy this year. His attraction to the egg started when he was about one year old with finding out about his food allergy to the egg. Ever since, he has been drawn to the one thing he can't have or touch. Doesn't it seem like we always want the thing we can't have?

Jesus might seem untouchable... or far off or something we can't have. But, he's not. He died on that cross for you, for me... so that we could have a close relationship with him. I am so thankful that he is in my life. Life is so much better because he is.

This layout I did of Ethan with Paislee Press (collab with Emily Powers) product again... ;)  Ethan was refusing to walk home so he just sat down with out moving. Just being stubborn. I took a shot and then he came around and decided it was better to listen and get moving than sitting in the middle of a quiet gravel road. ;)

I hope you have a good weekend filled with family, love, and the assurance that Jesus rose again for you! xoxo!