





Love & SMASH book

This week bible study started again... I also finished the book, The Seventeen Second Miracle. I honestly haven't read a fiction book where it really makes you want to become a better person. It almost could be considered non-fiction because you learn so much about becoming a better person by reading it.

Both the book and bible study is about love. The study goes through Genesis reveling God's love for us unconditionally and the novel was about loving others even if it is only seventeen seconds at a time. At the grocery store this weekend, I found myself unintentionally looking around me at the faces of those shopping. I mean, really looking. How many times have I really needed help with a bag of groceries? Or needed that person to just hold the door open for me? Or to give me a smile instead of a scowl while my son threw a fit? This week I truly want to be the one that helps and not expects help from others. Maybe if there was more love shown to those around us, those around us would be more willing to love others.

It's a theory anyway...

Amy Tangerine with American Crafts patterned paper, "Hello Friend" and 
library pocket stickers, 
journal cards by Debee Ruiz,Pebbles Inc. stickers, Pink Pasilee star border 
sticker, orange SMASH tab and paperclip by K&Company, 
tag by American Crafts,
My Minds Eye ticket, Chicago sticker (unknown manufacture),
circle diecut by Jillibean Soup,
Head over Heals fabric sticker (unknown manufacture)

Here is the video of the bible study I am doing for the next six weeks... 


Pursuing God's Love: Stories from the Book of Genesis from Margaret Feinberg on Vimeo.

Create Well:  Share some seventeen second love today...