





Heidi Swapp - True Love

I never really understood Valentine's Day. I mean, really?! Growing up it was just another day where we feared for our mother's disappointment in what our father "wouldn't" do to make her feel special. It was always the expectation of something that would never come.

It actually wasn't until I was a single preschool teacher that I realized the loveliness that Valentine's Day brings. Preschoolers don't know what adult love is. Their definition of love is different - pure and innocent. When I asked my classroom about what love meant to them I would get answers like a hug, when my mom kisses me, or when my dad plays with me.

Being single I could understand that it was God's love to me that was more real than a dozen roses that don't last. Hey, I have nothing against flowers. I love them. But, it was when I didn't have a man in my life that I depended on everlasting, non-materialistic love. It was this kind of love that I needed most.

I was blessed to work in a private school where I looked forward to celebrating with the children about God's love. It wasn't about the treats or valentines cards. In fact, we kept our cards in the hallway to take home. When the children came into the classroom they learned about what it meant to really be loved and how to share that love with others.

Now, as a mom, I share that with my son. We made "snack" Valentines to give away. On them were the true message of love that we should share every day.

These are juice boxes were created with Heidi Swapp's new line, Sugar Chic

This is a craft my four year old did himself! I left the sides uncovered since I know as a parent of a child with allergies will need access to the information. All of the pieces were cut ahead of time and he did an assembly line of gluing them all. As you can tell, they aren't perfect, which is exactly as it should be! ;)

"The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, and rich in love." Psalm 145:8

Create Well: Enjoy knowing that no matter what day it is, you are loved!