





Pink Paislee - Sweetness Mini Album

It is Valentine's Week here at Create Well, Create Often! The Samantha Walker's Creative Team Blog Hop and giveaway is still going on, so either scroll down to check it out or click here to go to the link directly.

I am so excited to share with you some HSN projects I created for Pink Paislee! This mini book was created with the clear cards from Pink Paislee's Sweetness line. The kit on HSN includes them and is airing today at 8am Eastern Time.

What I love about clear acrylic pages is that you can see all the layers underneath. Here is a page I created alone.

Here it is with the other pages peeking through.

I had to call my sister to see if it was ok to use these photos. We have a rule in our family. The person photographed needs to give the ok before using the photo for print, online, or any clubs where other people will be viewing it. When I called, she said, "Sure." Then I said, "For TV?" Then she said... "Wait! Which ones do want to use again?" lol... These got the "OK."

So I wrapped and boxed this little 4x7 mini up. When I took the box into FedEx the guy at the counter shook the box and said, "Is there anything even in there?" "Ummm, Yes!" He said, "Well, I had to ask. You would be surprised how many times customers forget to put the item they are shipping in the box!"

Little mini goodness. That's what was in that box... and I am going to miss you.

Create Well: Check out Pink Paislee on the HSN today!