





Think Truth

Happy Easter friends! I am so grateful to be able to celebrate the Resurrection tomorrow. I love this time of year. It helps me focus my mind on truth and what really is important in life. I pull out all of our Easter books. The books I leave laying around the house do not include bunnies or egg hunts, but  about that mighty Resurrection day.

My son and I colored eggs for the second time this week. I am so blessed that he is not allergic to eggs anymore. Last year was his, my sister, and my first time coloring eggs. We all got to share the experience together. We also read about the history of egg hunts and the true meaning of Easter and you know what? He got it.

The day before Easter we always have a Resurrection Easter egg hunt. I have a set of Resurrection Eggs, by Family Life. We had the best time finding the eggs and then reading about the Easter story. Then, my little man said it was his turn. He told me the whole story with the eggs and I got to listen. It was precious.

I hope you have such memories this Easter! Have a blessed holiday!

Create Well: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" - John 3:16 NIV