





Be Inspired by Instagram

Samantha Walker's Blog Hop is still going on at the previous post.  There has been a lot of creating this week. I must be making up for not being in the studio last week due to my dear husband in the ER. Thankfully he is better and we are getting back into the swing of things and the creative ideas keep flowing. The sun finally came out today after several days of rain and we went for a walk. The neighborhood is in full bloom and I was happy that I at least brought my phone with me to get some photos.

My one peony is in bloom and I am enjoying it. Next time I have a bush of buds, I am putting a fence around it to protect it from my little man's sword made from a stick. Yes, he thought they "didn't belong there."

I am enjoying taking photos with my phone. Carrying the DSLR everywhere can get - heavy. ;) You can follow me at createoften on instagram.

Create Well: Be inspired by others and their photographs.